Art Therapy Transformation
Need help?
With Art Therapy Sessions you can transform
Art therapy techniques use a creative method of expression and combined with counselling help to nurture, nourish and enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being.
I can help you to nurture and enhance your well-being!
During a session I will gently lead you through meditations and techniques to uncover your underlying emotions or challenges. We will then work with a process to bring that emotion outward and work out a way for you to neutralize it. When this process has completed for you, we will work through another technique and process to find how the future can transform for you.
The entire process is gentle, caring, and supportive.
No need to worry about being an artist or not. If you can draw a squiggly line, you can utilize art therapy.
The creative process used in these art therapy sessions, along with discussion on your created piece helps you to resolve issues or challenges as well as change behaviours, reduce stress, and improve self-awareness. From this you can cope with life’s demands, emotions, and challenges while moving forward with peace of mind.

“The art therapy I attended gave me the power and the permission to take charge of my very busy daily life. It opened many doors to my negative emotions that I had shut out for a very long time. It gave me the freedom to be creative. Thank you, Maia for sharing your gift”
“This session has made me realise that it is OK to express your innermost feelings through Art. When I first walked in, I was feeling rather sad and depressed due to personal issues. After listening to Maia explain the process of Art Therapy, I realised that it is fine to have these feelings and they are not wrong. Maia explained that showing your sad and happy feeling through art can assist you to enjoy these feelings and create something that you can refer to on a daily basis.
I am not an artist by any means but enjoyed the ability to create something that came from within. Now when I have spare time, I enjoy doing some drawings and can release some of the feelings that have been bottled up. There is no judgment about your creations, and they can take any form that you feel.
At the end my feelings had become positive, and I felt I had achieved enjoyment and peace.”
– Sussan
The perfect fit
Let’s work together on your challenges and emotions!
When words are not enough, we need to find another means to help heal our physical, emotional, or mental challenges – art therapy sessions can help you to move forward, nurture yourself and relive you of unwanted baggage.
One-hour sessions (including materials) $90
Book your session now.